
Badminton Nutrition – What is your Nutrition?

A badminton match can last for an extended period, requiring both high aerobic fitness and high intensity effort. Indoors, the sport is sometimes practised in tournament settings with multiple games per week or even per day. Since game times are not always known in advance, planning your diet is essential. There are numerous nutritional considerations for the badminton player, as there are for athletes in other sports. The basics of sports nutrition will still be relevant, but there are some aspects that are sport-specific that should be considered.


Low-fat, high-carbohydrate meals

Being overweight will limit a player’s mobility on the court, and the excess body fat will make them more exhausted. Low-fat, high-carbohydrate meals should be the foundation of a badminton player’s diet. Choosing foods with high nutritional value can reduce the likelihood of consuming too many calories, which will lead to body fat storage and weight gain.

Tips for the Recovery


The first hour following exercise is the most effective for recovery. This is crucial in tournament circumstances when you have matches in a few hours span. Carbohydrates serve as a replacement for muscular glycogen reserves. The depleted fuel reserves that were consumed during the activity will be replaced by these foods. Protein post-workout will help muscle heal from the damage caused by the exercise, to achieve optimum recovery, consume a snack or meal that combines both high-quality carbohydrates and protein within an hour following exercise. Rehydration is crucial for recovery following a demanding workout or game.

Staying Hydrated

Hydration is crucial in badminton due to its high intensity, popularity in warmer regions, and fact that it is an indoor activity. Athletes may sweat more in hot climates with high humidity and temperatures, and playing indoors will minimise evaporative cooling, which will raise the risk of dehydration if fluid intake is not carefully monitored. The recuperation process will be aided by properly hydrating before competitions and training sessions, as well as by consuming enough liquid after exercise to make up for all fluid lost while exercising.

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